Process as Guide

/ process as guide /
what it is
/process as guide/ is an intimate group- self-dialoguing structure and one:one sessions format I developed and am currently leading. We listen, study, and relate to our process and our intuition through shared movement experience, the lens of art, and through language-based communication. It’s a rhizomatic approach to the creative process, to being, to learning, and to each of leading within a group, which opens this model to become expansive and inclusive. By providing the guiding structure and principles, process as guide then is collective and shaped by each individual in the group.
The group meets once a week for two-hour sessions for 6-12 consecutive weeks. At the conclusion, the experience is processed and reflected on through a one-on-one meeting that I have with each participant.
whom is for
The group model desires to serve dedicated, self-identified performance artists who are dissatisfied with current university models and are desiring new, intimate structures for exploring artlife. The more diverse the artist's selves, backgrounds, and ages, the more we all learn.
guiding principles
art life
not knowing while leading.
my work knows more than me.
mutuality and flexibility in roles.
sensing and reflecting.
consciousness in the touchable and the non-touchable.
relational realities.
the symbolic and imaginary.
diversity in experience.
play and ritual.
change state logic.
core desires.
so above so below.
object as subject.
attunement, intuition and implicit knowing.
non – linear space and time logic.
cooperative making and dissolving.
These principles continue to draw me to dance and its various voices and practices.
They are at the foundation upon which process as guide is built.
A set of agreements I created and assembled, adjusted each time anew with the group, are holding parameters for our togetherness.

I first started to shape this model in 2015 through study groups that were called Boosts for my Qi Gong and Dance students to deepen learned material. Workshops around touch, intuition and improvisation as well as regular one-on-one meetings with various dance people, talking about and guiding their process and intuition were the impetus in 2017 to formatting process as guide. Each relationship informed this model and inspired my desire for mutuality between us in this learning process.
The first group of 6 women I invited to explored process as guide as a study group took place from February 15th until May 15th, 2018 at Domestic Performance Agency in Brooklyn New York. These artists had been participating in my workshops or classes prior and expressed the desire to study and communicate further.
Two artists are currently in a 1:1 cycle with me.
Four artists successfully concluded a two year DIY MFA in December 2022, focusing on new modes of learning and teaching as performance artists. The group sessions took place via zoom, the one-on-ones were live.
The seventh process as guide cycle took place at Sunset Space Dance Studio in Brooklyn in March, April, May of 2020.
One of the groups was produced by Janet Panetta’s International Dance Dialogues and facilitated by Movement Research NY in October/November 2018.
If you are interested in hosting or participating in process as guide please contact me directly at
some participants as well as graduates of the DIY MFA:
Laurel Atwell-
Laura Bartczak-
Natalia Espinel-
Roxy Gordon-
Mor Mendel -
Kirsten Michelle Schnittker -
Amelia Tarpey
Julia Gladstone
Julianne Cariño
Jo Warren
Julie Brandano -
Emma Rose Brown -
Kat Brown - Dustin Maxwell - Grace Carney -
Amelia Heinzelman -
Kay Ottinger -